Well, it’s been few news lately about the state of the final release, so it’s time to tell you a little bit about the current development phase of FocusPoint Linux Shutter.
First of all let’s start with the issue of packaging
We do package and build our own packages, however none of us are really skilled at it, meaning it leads to us spending a lot of time on packaging. Time that could be well spent on other things. Now, some honesty, we haven’t really gone hard in on recruiting any packagers. We have mentioned our need here and on IRC in hope that someone soon would come a long with the skills needed and with the motivation of becoming a part of our team and our goals. This has not happened yet so we simply need to up our game as far as recruiting goes.
Our goal for packaging is to sort of being a “rolling release” as far as delivering a constantly updated kernel, updated hardware modules such as mesa, newer driver versions, newer tools and .much more, this is of course ambitious and next to hopeless to do right now even though we learn more every day and are motivated to continue development
More news will come shortly.
Now we also wanted to build a proper welcome app. That work has started and we are really making progress with design, functions and stability, but we need to properly test new builds before putting it on any release. I am now the only one coding that application.
As I’ve done progress I realized that I really wanted that application to not only being a welcome app but also sort of an extended control panel for FocusPoint Linux specific settings, look and feel as well as a tweak tool for OS specific variables and a “duster” tool, meaning a basic maintenance tool, the welcome app will be just that, a welcome app but much more as well. The progress here is going really well, much of what’s left are some coding, some visual indicators and some error handling.
All in all, we are getting closer and closer to a full release, Even though we have no definitive deadline for it, we are working hard.