Here are all the different ways you can contribute to our project

Translators: We need help with translating the installer slides, specific dialogs, shortcuts and with locales on this forum.

Development: We want to extend our OS with specific applications, everything in general really.

Packaging: We really need help with packaging as it is a long and tedious process that uses resources that could have been used on other things. We are doing our own packaging when it comes to the look and feel as well as other stuff, but we want to delve into packaging other software as well, especially when it comes to our LTS cycle so we get updated packages to offer to our users.

Website: Anything from theme development, graphics and general. We also need someone to help with documentation with everything from documentation on the installation process, usage of the operating system, installation of drivers and much more.

Artwork: Anything from xfce4/GTK themes, wallpapers, icons, graphics.

Administration: Homepage, IRC, planning, files. Anything you can think of that can help organizing.

Contact us either through our forums or IRC channel #focuspoint-linux if you want to contribute.