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Welcome app updated - Crash of Panel fixed

FocusPoint Linux Blue Hour Welcome App Update.
We’re excited to share the latest updates to the FocusPoint Linux Blue Hour Welcome App! As we gear up for the alpha release of Blue Hour, we’ve been diligently testing and refining the app. Our goal is to ensure that all the essential features are in place before the beta release.

There’s been a minor roadblock. The Alpha release has been delayed due to an issue with xfce4-panel. Specifically, Ubuntu updated Glib without also updating xfce4-panel to at least version 4.18.6. As a result, the panel crashes whenever we apply one of our panel themes or stylings (which triggers a repaint). But fear not—we’ve found a workaround for now, although it will be reverted once Ubuntu updates xfce4-panel to a higher version than 4.18.5.

Over to the update to the welcome app
* Added 4 new Themes/Styles, mint, orange, darkblue, lightblue. There is now 7 Styles
* Added dependencies for mint-l-theme and mint-l-icons as some of the new styles are using it
* Added function to generate system wide icon-cache and user icon-cache. (Use it after installing new icon themes)
* Added colored buttons for apliyng theme/stylings.
* Added a button for Listing .cache files and listing size in megabyte under the System tab
* Removed some code, re-wrote the procedure for changing/appliyng style and themes.
* Added code for checking for missing files, if files are missing in the gtk-3.0 folder copy them from the skeleton folder.
* Better error handling
* Better memory management.
* Rewrite some code and made some functions threaded.

Passionate photographer, worked many years as an event photographer mostly covering live concerts.
Linux user for over 20 years.