We have just uploaded our newest iso, dowload it here.
Added: libopenraw7 panel-aplet thunar-dropbox-plugin focuspoint-linux-art gnome-package-updater gnome-packagekit-common package-update-indicator libnautilus-extension4 nautilus-dropbox thunar-dropbox-plugin

Added Repo: https://launchpad.net/~tertitten/+archive/ubuntu/focuspoint-linux it’s not many new packages released there yet as we are holding back a few, ether way, this is where our own packages will reside.

We have also tweaked some more files, especially all the default look and feel files. It’s not changing much visually, but we have cleaned it up.

Our goal is to have released at least a alpha before ubuntu 24.04 releases, we would prefer to have released a beta in that time, but it seems it will be a little tight as we have lots to do when it comes to branding.

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