PS. Screenshot on top is from our development version and not from Ubuntu! Canonical have now released Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - The version our next released will be based on.We have done a lot of work on that version the last few weeks and are really close to our first alpha release, we have one … Continue reading (X)Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is now officially released
Started work on the 24.04 Noble release
We have now started working on the new Ubuntu release, 24.04 Noble, this is a LTS release and will be supported for many years.All the repositories we are using for some of our chosen packages are not up yet for 24.04 so we are dependent of those repositories, as such we are considering if we … Continue reading Started work on the 24.04 Noble release
The beta is out!
The beta for focuspoint linux Q1b1 is now released.First of all, this is beta, back up your files before even trying out a live session!There's been quite a few changes from the alpha to the beta, they where all necessary.There's really to many changes to list them all, but here are some of them:* Added … Continue reading The beta is out!
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